Monthly meetup

Our monthly meetups are the place to be for Android Developers in Berlin. We are offering two talks with diverse speakers and topics all about the little green robot. Testing? Best practices? New developements? Languages? Testing? Different Topics? All is welcome here. We are speaking English at those events and between the talks we offer plenty opportunity to socialize and hangout with fellow new and old Android developers. Come join us the next last wednesday in the month, find us on meetup.
We need you! So if you want to help our community with a presentation, don't hesitate to propose it in our form.
We also provide help for first timers and juniors to present.
Weekly meetup

Android Co-Learning is a weekly meetup for Android developers. It’s a healthy mix of experienced developers and beginners. We come together to
exchange knowledge, help beginners, discuss new techniques and OS features. Please bring your Laptop with you.
Who this meetup is for:
- beginners: come by and ask us any question you have. We will help you regardless it is installing AndroidStudio or making VR app;
- experienced: come by and share your knowledge and help our new Android fellows or ask questions to other experienced attendees, or just to work on your own projects.
There no strict rule. Just come by and let’s share a good time!
We encourage you to join our Slack group “Android Developer Group Berlin”. Use our signup link
to join, and once on slack you can find #co-learning channel. There all attendees and organizers are encouraged to hang out.
Yearly meetup

From time to time we are also offering irregular meetings, like the Google I/O Extended, watching the Google keynote and more at the
biggest Google event each year.
See meetup page
Additionally we are constantly active in trying to organize a yearly conference called the DevFest.
For more info see Devfest Berlin
These meetups are trying to reach a broader audience from farther away, collecting more viewpoints and knowledge and usually last longer then just a couple of talks.
Stay tuned for the next announcements in this department.
Who we are
We are the Berlin Google Developer Group (GDG) focused on Android development.
Go here to join the Android Developers Group Slack team.
To contact the organizers write us an email.
GDG Berlin Android is an independent group; our activities and the opinions
expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation.